Proměny Pražského Quadriennale


This paper focuses on shifts in presenting scenography within the world's largest exhibition of it – Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ). It is only logical, that with more than fifty years of its existence, PQ has undergone a fundamental transformation. How can we exhibit scenography, an artistic discipline which is based on a live action? What approaches were employed fifty years ago and what are the current trends? I would argue that exhibiting of scenography moved from stationary objects towards performative or theatrical environments which resulted in establishment of a new-specific artistic discipline. Now the attendees not only experience the exhibits through their bodily actions, but also co-create them in actual physical space. To demonstrate that the notions of body and physical intentionality are essential for this 'new art-form', concepts of the corporeal schema (Merleau-Ponty) is applied while analysing chosen installations.

Prague Quadrennial; PQ 2007; PQ 2011; PQ 2015; PQ 2019; scenography; performance design; Arnold Aronson; exhibition of scenography; stage design; performance space; installation


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