Nepolapitelné umění performance : autorskoprávní analýza


The article deals with copyright analysis of artistic works which the author of this study defines as consisting in artistic organization of space in time (audiovisual works, choreography, theatre productions, kinetic objects and installations, light design, performance, happening, events). Of these, the author focuses on the last three and on how they are interpreted by legal science and foreign courts. The author argues that copyright judges are less willing to accept copyrightability of an expression when such an expression cannot be fixed on paper. In the process of judicial decision-making in copyright law, a higher degree of intuition is applied compared to other fields of law. As a systematic solution, the author suggests to adopt the US merger doctrine and its application beyond technical works (computer programs, charts, etc.) also on artistic productions such as Marina Abramović's performance The Artist is Present, which is illustrates the author's arguments.

performance; happening; akce; inscenace; režie; herec; performer; autorské právo; autor; výkonný umělec; event; production; directing; actor; copyright; author


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