Ke spolupráci Antonína Heythuma s Karlem Hugo Hilarem a Karlem Dostalem v Národním divadle


The article is focused on the cooperation of stage director Antonín Heythum and the directors of the National Theatre, Karel Dostal and Karel Hugo Hilar around 1924–1936. It mentions both famous productions as well as projects that were planned, but for various reasons never performed on stage. It proceeds with outlining the scenographer's contribution to modern Czech scenography, which was connected to the constructivist and functionalist ideas, outstanding space-forming application of screen system, or usage of photographic or film projections. New findings are mostly based on hitherto unknown sources.

scenography; theatre; art avantgard; art in the First Republic; National Theatre Prague; Antonín Heythum; Karel Hugo Hilar; Karel Dostal


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Soukromá sbírka. Majitelé si nepřejí bližší specifikaci.

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