New stage in the reception of Thomas Bernhard's dramatic works?


The article initially deals with the early phase of Czech reception of Thomas Bernhard's dramatic work by theatre critics and practitioners, emphasising the existential topics in the productions staged in Divadlo Na zábradlí [Theatre on the Balustrade]. Subsequently, the article focuses on the contemporary interpretation of Bernhard's dramas: grotesquely comical stylisation in the National Theatre and the semi-professional company Depresivní děti touží po penězích [Depressed Children Long for Money]. The third part of the article concentrates on the socially critical themes in Bernhard's satirical texts. The author carefully analyses a less known play Over All the Mountain Tops and its central character of an artist from the viewpoint of xenophobia, conservatism, and neo-Nazism. The topic of artist's corruption by media and political power is highlighted. Bernhard's satirical works become topical as similar tendencies are present in the contemporary society. The article examines how in Over All the Mountain Tops Bernhard critically interconnects prejudice and sexist clichés with antisemitic ideas in order to express the degraded and dangerous mindset of the current cultural elite.

Bernhard; Over All the Mountain Tops; slapstick comedy; satire; xenophobia; antisemitism


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