The body, the actor's instrument


The study considers the intersections of two systems of 20th century acting training – Vsevolod Meyerhold's innovative methods and Jacques Lecoq's systematic methodical approach to theatre pedagogy. The article hihglights the points of contact between the two training schemes. Although the two pioneers were separated by distance, periods of practice, and different backgrounds, they both sought to develop a new grammar of movement, an effective concept for stage work in which an actor, who masterfully controls the body, becomes the most expressive component of a theatrical performance. The research of Meyerhold's Theatrical Biomechanics and Lecoq's Movement Analysis was methodologically based on the procedures of qualitative comparative-descriptive evaluation and Practice Based Research.

Theatrical Biomechanics; Movement Analysis; Vsevolod Meyerhold; Jacques Lecoq; physical acting training


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