"Die Demut [kann] mich am sichersten Führen […]." : die Widerspiegelung der Religiosität des Grafen Albert Joseph Koditz (1706–1778) in seinem literarischen Nachlass


The study is based on the manuscript literary estate of Count Albert Joseph Hodic (1706–1778) and offers insight into one of the thematic focuses of his literary work, which is the depiction of the noble's religiosity. The article describes Count Hodic's proximity to art and his cosmopolitan and pacifist orientation and examines the influences that shaped his literary work. The aim of the paper is to highlight the symbiosis of piety, humility and moral topics of Count Hodic's hitherto little explored lyrical-epic literary work.

Klíčová slova:
the literary work by Count Albert Joseph Hodic; religiosity; humility; moral topics; baroque; the Enlightenment


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