Suizid und Ehre in Schnitzlers Erzählung Spiel im Morgengrauen
Klíčová slova:
Schnitzler, Arthur; Spiel im Morgengrauen; constellation of characters; honour; (Georg Simmel's) theory of honour; suicide; 1900 – at the turn of the 20th century
The following article focuses on suicide as a method to retrieve one's honour. Arthur Schnitzler's novella Spiel im Morgengrauen serves as the foundation for this analysis. Firstly, the concept of honour as a cultural phenomenon – as far as it is represented within the diegesis – will be discussed. Then, within the framework of Georg Simmel's theory of honour, we will analyze how the text proceeds to develop and criticize the culture of honour at the turn of the 20th century. The constellation of characters in Schnitzler's text functions as a starting point to discover the difference between character and text.
Schnitzler, Arthur; Spiel im Morgengrauen; constellation of characters; honour; (Georg Simmel's) theory of honour; suicide; 1900 – at the turn of the 20th century
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