Wilken Engelbrecht als inspirator


Much has already been written about Wilken Engelbrecht's great achievements in the field of Dutch Studies in Central Europe, especially in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The same applies to his impressive scholarly oeuvre. In this contribution we will look more closely at the significance Engelbrecht has had for (mostly younger) colleagues at the start of their academic career. Not only did he support and stimulate colleagues in taking the next step in their careers, but this fact also created many links between the departments of Dutch Studies with which Engelbrecht was associated or with which he had strong ties, namely Bratislava, Brno, Olomouc and Lublin.

Klíčová slova:
Dutch Studies; Czech Republic; Slovakia; department; ties; academic career


Engelbrecht, Wilken (2021): František Kalda, the founder of Dutch studies in Czechoslovakia. In: Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities – Linguistica, p. 1–23.

Engelbrecht, Wilken (1994). Nederlands in Bratislava en Olomouc, de draad weer opgepakt. In: Neerlandia 98. p. 185–187.

Engelbrecht, Wilken (1999): Olomouc op de drempel van de magisterstudie. In: Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik. Sbornik Práci Filosofické fakulty Brněnské univerzity Studia minora facultatis philosophicae universitatis Brunensis. R4 – Sonderheft. p. 73–83. https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/bitstream/handle/11222.digilib/105880/1_BrunnerBeitratgeGermanistikNordistik_13-1999-2_15.pdf?sequence=1 (1.5.2022)

Hamers, Bas (2021): ONETS, a Platform for Czech and Slovak Dutch Studies as an Example of Cooperation. In: Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities – Linguistica. p. 63–70

Jančíková, Iva (2008): Een lijst van afgestudeerden en studenten 1993–2007. In: Neerlandica III. Aspecten van extramurale neerlandistiek. p. 167–173

Kostelecká, Marta (2021): Dutch Studies in Moravia. In: Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities – Linguistica. p. 42–53

Rakšányiová, Jana (2008): De neerlandistiek in Slowakije. In: Neerlandica III. Aspecten van extramurale neerlandistiek. p. 115–126

Strukturovaný životopis Wilken Engelbrecht. https://adoc.pub/doc-dr-wilken-engelbrecht-cand-litt-strukturovany-ivotopis.html

Wetenschappelijk profiel Engelbrecht op de website FF UPOL. https://www.ff.upol.cz/nc/kontakty/vizitka/empid/09046/



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