"Much Wow, Such Fun" - diskursive Momente mit Internetmemen im DaF-Unterricht : ein globales (jugend-)kulturelles Phänomen zur Diskurskompetenzförderung


Many people use memes in their daily lives, they consume them, share them, and create them themselves. They are used, among other things, to comment (humorously) on current topics, to take a stand, to draw attention to a topic. And precisely because internet memes themselves are often integrated into a discursive practice they are also suitable in foreign language teaching to promote discourse competence. This article provides an outline of the development of memes and internet memes and uses political internet memes as an example to show that they go beyond mere entertainment. Hereafter it will show the potential of memes as authentic material for teaching German as a Foreign Language and how they can be used to promote learners' discourse competence.

Klíčová slova:
meme; internet; internet culture; discourse; cultural studies; foreign language teaching


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