Antroponymická soustava v urbářích z 15. století


The aim of this paper was an analysis of proper names in urbars of the 15th century. The material was excerpted from three urbars: Urbář strahovský (1410), Žďárský urbář (1483) and Urbář panství hlubockého (1490). The research shows that one-word proper name system predominated in the 15th century, but this system of antroponyms was not able to identify persons uniquelly. That is why one-word proper name was used with specifying complement e. g. a name of career, location or explication of a relationship. Combination of the first name and surname occured sporadically, nevertheless this more suitable system would obviously play an important role in the next century. The high rate of one-word proper names does not correspond with results presented in some papers (see e. g. Pleskalová, 2009, 2010, Bromová, 2008). It can be caused by a specific type of listing of the names in the respective urbars: 1) in urbars, the names of persons are quoted according to the names of places which help to identify the respective persons. Therefore this system can not be considered as a pure one-word proper system. 2) The places represented in the urbars are usually small villages, so that it was easy to use one-word proper names (there did not live two or more persons of the same name in the villages). 3) The urbars belonged to the unofficial administrative texts compared e. g. with contrast of contracts of purchase, where it was necessary to identify a seller and buyer exactly.


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