Příspěvky ke středoasijské filologii (I.)


The role of spoken languages, analogy with present ethnic minorities and high mobility of population allow to refine some questions about the ethnic contacts and chain-loaning of the name Buddha between old Central Asian languages and the role of Tocharian. I start with the comments on Tocharian A and formulation of a new hypothesis of its relation to Tocharian C (§1), then I comment: forms of names in Tocharian A and B (§2), and compare their structure and functional parallelism with the name in Old Turkic (§3). The new etymology of the title χaγan is offered too since the word occurs in the form burχaγan on the manuscript IOL Toch 81 (§4). Further I collect reconstructions of Chinese trancriptions (§5) and offer systematic summary reflecting, that the role of Tocharian diminished in the later stage (§6). To conclude, hypothesis of Tocharian A as endangered but spoken minority language and formulation of the hypothetical relation of Tocharian A to Tocharian C is postulated. The new etymology of the title χaγan as the compound from *ka/ke(y) + *kan "chief-ruler" / "ruler-Lord" is offered. Equivalent forms of the name Buddha in Tocharian and Old Turkic languages document a growing role of the Chinese in the Tarim Basin.

Klíčová slova:
Tocharian languages; Old Turkic; Chinese; Buddha; χaγan


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