Continental Low Germanic loanwords in English borrowed outside Europe


In this article, I focus on Low Germanic loanwords in English which were borrowed on the basis of the interaction between the then colonial powers. Starting from the 16th century, some people from almost all European countries left for other continents seeking a better life. People of different ethnic backgrounds often mixed together, took over the territories of their rivals or cohabited for a certain period of time alongside each other in the newly settled areas. This all influenced their ways of speaking. Therefore, I decided to explore one such type of interaction and its influence on the English language in greater detail. The English language is examined from a lexicological, or more precisely an etymological, point of view: on the basis of the etymological dictionaries mentioned below, English loanwords derived from other Low Germanic languages are collected and described. This material is further analysed in terms of the origin of the individual loanwords, the date and probable reason for their borrowing. The study is also supplemented by a brief survey of the most important historical events relevant for these borrowings.

Klíčová slova:
English; Low Germanic; loanwords; Dutch; Afrikaans; Frisian; Flemish; Low German


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