Latin memor 'mindful' and papāver 'poppy', and the Latin reflexes of PIE final *r̥


For the most part, the communis opinio holds that the Latin reflex of PIE *r̥ is or. But even a quick glance at modern handbooks that concentrate on Latin phonological developments reveals that the situation is significantly more complicated and unsettled than that. And this turns out to be particularly so in final position. I have shown in a previous paper that, because they are to be etymologized as reduplications winding up with unaccented final syllables, Lat. memor 'mindful' and papāver 'poppy' must both evince final *r̥ . My focus in the present paper is on how the welter of Latin forms emerging from final *r̥ can be reconciled.

Klíčová slova:
final r̥; PIE; Latin


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