Dawn of verbal suppletion in Indo-European languages


Verbal suppletion found in the earliest records of the daughter branches of the Indo-European language family is the focus of the paper presented at 2nd Indo-European Colloquium in Brno, 2013. If considering one first and best attested language in each branch, we find almost seventy (so far described) suppletive verbal paradigms. The paper examines their respective Proto-Indo-European roots and concludes about the relationship of their form and semantics. Special attention was given to the verbs of being, for which all branches choose to use the root √h1es- for the present form, while as many as seven stems combine with √h1es- for non-present usage. The range of semantic fields found among the suppletive verbs is discussed with conclusions concerning the relationship of form and semantics.

Klíčová slova:
Inflectional suppletion; Proto-Indo-European verb; verbal paradigms; semantic fields


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