Nádoby určené k pití v indoevropském slovníku


A purpose of the present study is to map main semantic strategies in designations of vessels for drinking in the Indo-European languages. A choice of this specific semantic field was motivated by the fact that vessels represent a cultural phenomenon connected with borrowing, frequently mediated by a trade. Determination of the loan-vectors allow us to map the most probable trajectories of the trade routes even for periods before any historical records. In the study a minilexicon of 20 terms is analysed. In 15 cases it was possible to determine a semantic motivation: "to drink", "to make full, contain", "a pointy formed vessel similar to a horn", "to carve, cut out", "hollow", "glossy/shining", "to weave", "to hang", "to bake". Very frequent is a semantic connection between "vessel" and "skull" as well as "vessel" and "belly". From 20 terms discussed here there are 13 attested in Slavic, but only two of them are inherited formations, while remaining 11 terms were borrowed.

Klíčová slova:
Indo-European; lexicon; semantic motivation; vessel-names; borrowing


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