Jméno "Buddha" ve středoasijských jazycích


The present article summarises some variants of the name "Buddha" in Indian, Iranian, Tocharian and Altaic languages. The survey of names is collected primarily from secondary sources. From it follows that Tocharian forms "Buddha-god" bear traces of mythic process around the beginning of AD; the usage of genitivus possessivus may be the entail of Iranian imperial titles. The discussion of Tocharian and Sogdian forms covers also their possible role of mediator for Chinese monosyllabic *b'ịuət or *p'iwɘd written by the character 佛; bisyllabic forms were borrowed from Bactrian and Prakrit sources. Old-Turkic form "Buddha-king" is the main source for all Altaic languages, only small isolated Mongolian idioms in North-Western China (and extinct Manchu) use also Chinese or Tibetan loanwords.


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