Jména nádob v tocharských jazycích


The purpose of the present contribution is to summarize the Tocharian vessel-names and offer new etymological solutions of terms without satisfactory etymologies. The choice of our linguistic interest in this contribution, vessel-names in Tocharian, was motivated by the fact that vessels are integral part of exchange trade probably from discovery of ceramics and represent an ideal tool for study of mutual contacts between languages. We conclude that the borrowed terms were adopted in various chronological layers, depending on application of typical Tocharian sound rules, and from various donor-languages: (a) Most recent are apparently terms of Sanskrit origin (karute-, kump, kunti, präṅkār / bhräṅkār, bhājaṃ, maybe watsālo and kwalyiye), since practically no sound rules typical for Tocharian appear in them. (b) Iranian loans (tās-, sapule) are probably older. At least in one case (sapule) it is possible to determine the Bactrian source. The Tocharian-Bactrian contact is dated to the 2nd cent. BCE. (c) In the case of cultural terms (lyakace, kwalyiye) the development typical for Tocharian B may be identified. (d) The terms aise & tsere seem to be formed in Tocharian B proper. (e) The term lwāke, if our Chinese etymology is correct, was borrowed in the beginning of the 1st mill. CE.

Klíčová slova:
vessel names; Tocharian; Sanskrit; Iranian; Chinese


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