Indoevropský etymon dlouhý ve světle slovanských a tocharských kontinuantů


In the article the Indo-European etymon "long" is studied in perspective of both internal etymology and external comparisons. Newly Tocharian A lo, B lau and A lok, B lauke adv. "(a)far (off ); away! with their derivatives and Gaulish leuga "(*long) mile" are included. With respect to Tocharian A lo, B lau "(a)far" and Slavic *dьlь "length", *dьl’e "longer", *dьliti "to last, prolong", *dalь & *dalja "distance", *dal’e( je) "further", the velar suffix *-g h - with adverbial function is separated and the root proper *dleH 1 - is determined. The specific form *dlong h o-, appearing in Dardic (Khowar), Iranian, Latin, ?Celtic, Germanic, is explained with help of Osthoff's and Stang's laws as the of the u-stem *dloH 1 -u-m, plus the adverbial suffix –gh -, finally adjectivized by the thematic vowel *-o-. In the last part the semantic shift "long" → "far" and vice versa in various Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages is discussed in perspective of semantic typology. Finally the attempts of external etymologies are analyzed.

Klíčová slova:
Indo-European; Slavic; Tocharian; etymology; long; far; semantic typology


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