Několik poznámek ke konkurenci vidů: Ráno jsem vstal vs. Ráno jsem vstával


In this article the author proposes to use the Czech National Corpus to investigate the use of the factual imperfective in comparison with the perfective aspect in a very specific context, but at the same time frequent, because of common use: ráno jsem vstával (a) vs vstal (a) 'the / this morning I got up'. The results show that the perfective is used predominantly in sequences of events and the factual imperfective in argumentative discourses (in both cases in the measure of 80%). While the exceptions are functional for the imperfective in the narration, the presence of the perfective in the argumentative contexts appears random and testifies to the existence of a "gray area" in which the aspects are almost interchangeable.

Klíčová slova:
Czech language; verbal aspect; factual meaning


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