Literary history and the author's document or the document about the author


Attention is given to the author's document or the document telling about the author in the range of genres including a note, pocketbook, diary or a memory. Literary history considers these genres to be secondary, though extremely valuable when acquiring knowledge about a background of historical time, a specific author, whether a report was elaborated by the author himself/herself (František Švantner, František Hečko, Mária Jančová, Albert Marenčin, Iľja Iľf), or the personality, work, family background were depicted by someone who was the closest to the author and was considered a co-creator of the author's work in the role of a co-assistant (Anna Grigorievna Dostoyevska). Genres of a non-literary origin, which are presented in the contribution, indicate that they may be accepted as factographic reports from a creative workshop as well as a horizontal view of the relationship family-literary work-society. They gain a mediated element of evidence of someone or an evidence of oneself through the artistic environment and its personalities who co-created a cultural atmosphere at a particular time and society. Even in this context, a narrative method remains irreplaceable when depicting realia, thereby a pocketbook, diary and memory can get close to the artistic artifact through their styles and the narration organization.

note; pocketbook; diary; memory; author; literary history; genre; category of time; narrator


DOSTOJEVSKÁ, A. G.: Spomienky. Preložila Mária Hulmanová. Edícia Auris. Bratislava, Epocha 2009.

HEČKO, F.; JANČOVÁ, M.: Denníky 1938–1960. Bratislava, Marenčin PT 2011.

IĽF, I.: Zápisníky. Ed. Valerij Kupka. Preklad Ivana Kupková. Bratislava, Európa 2004.

MARENČIN, A.: Čo sa nevošlo do dejín. Bratislava, Marenčin PT 2012.

ŠVANTNER, F.: Integrálny denník. Ed. Pavol Števček. Pezinok, Formát 2001.





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