Winged units of literary origin in Orthodox media texts


The article is devoted to winged units dating back to Russian literature and used in the texts of modern Orthodox media discourse. Remaining one of the main sources of the winged units, literature contends for primacy with synthetic genres (cinema, television, estrade, etc.) and the language of advertising. A detailed analysis of the sources of winged units, come from Russian literature, allows us to examine in detail not only the winged units most frequently used by Orthodox authors, but also the features of this functioning. Linguo-pragmatics of winged units is revealed through their special expression and ability to succinctly convey a particular thought; thus, they represent a kind of condensate of ideas. The high demand on winged word studying can be explained by the fact that this part of Phraseology is very quickly moving on and is being filled and renewed very fast. The transformation potential of winged words makes it possible for journalists to use them in a strong text position — in heading. Being the headline the language units have a special communicative loading as the headline is the main tool of the author's position. However, their role and functioning in the modern Orthodox media discourse has not yet been studied.

Orthodox media discourse; media text; krylatika; winged units


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