Names of the fishing tackle in the Russian and Polish fishing sociolects (motivational and word-formation aspects)


The aim of the article is to present the underrated abundance of the Polish and Russian fishing vocabulary. Because of the entertaining nature of fishing, this scientific material does not enjoy much recognition among the linguists. The article analyzes the names defining some fishing tackle, the study of which allows to find out the most expressive features of the fishing vocabulary. Each name is considered from the point of view of the motivational and word-formation aspects. Some names contain the examples of their usage in the fishermen's speech. There are similarities in the Polish and Russian fishing nomenclature, as well as the differences arising from the territorial and the cultural differentiation. In most cases, the analysis revealed the same word-formative basis of the units as well as the similar process of forming the sociolects. The material is based on words recorded in specialized dictionaries and on fishing websites.

fishing; motivational aspect; word-formation aspect; fishing sociolect; comparative analysis


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