The use of Harry Potter related specific nominations outside of the community of J. K. Rowling readers


This article examines lexical units that due to their expressiveness went beyond the Harry Potter novels and have been integrated into the Russian reader's linguistic worldview (picture of the world). The essay also focuses on phraseological units that are only used by the members of the subcultural community of J. K. Rowling's fans. The purpose of the article is to explain this phenomenon of the usage extension of Harry Potter specific words, as well as to reveal the meaning and expressive capacity of the selected images by analyzing the novels' plot and its details. The article is paid attention to the potential and the meaning of occasional phraseological units presented on the forum of fans, as well as lexical units that have become entrenched in the language of not only admirers but also other native speakers of Russian. The analysis also establishes that the potential of such nominations is not a singular phenomenon, and a similar phenomenon was formed due to other well-known books in the fantasy genre. Based on the analysis of this material, it is concluded that the selected units from the books about Harry Potter, considered in the article, act as an integral part of Russian phraseology, which is a valuable material for research in this area.

Harry Potter; J. K. Rowling; fantasy; phraseology


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