Semantic closeness, oppositeness and polysemy in the animalistic phraseology in English and Bulgarian


The corpus of the present investigation includes 320 phraseological units in English and 520 phraseological units in Bulgarian all with an animal semantic base. It's possible for one and the same meaning to be expressed by different phraseological units. This is a proof for the existence of system relations among the phraseological units in a given language. The images of the pig and the horse in English for example are bases for phraseological units which mean "eat too much". The hard work is expressed by the images of the beaver, the bee and the horse, etc. Beside the synonymic relations, there are phraseological units both in English and in Bulgarian which express opposite meanings (antonymy). Opposite meanings can be transferred through different images or different characteristic features of one and the same image whereas polysemy is not very wide spread among the phraseological units in the two investigated languages. Thus synonymy, antonymy and polysemy among the phraseological units with an animal semantic base have been under consideration in the present article.

synonymy; antonymy; polysemy; phraseology; animalistic phraseology


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