The (formal) exclusiveness of Julius Zeyer's literary language


The paper is focused on identifying the principal signs of formal exclusiveness that denote Julius Zeyer's literary language, precisely, his prose. Julius Zeyer wrote his prosaic works in standard Czech, deliberately differing from the contemporary usage, both common and neutral. The language used in his prosaic writings basically corresponded with the historicising concept of contemporary linguistics as recommended by language handbooks in the period. At all levels of usage, his prose presents numerous linguistic means which, even at that time, were considered mannered. Mannerism is thus understood as hypercorrect expression recommended for highly official communication, to which Zeyer's idiolect, many times insecure, submitted in literary creations and which probably suited his idea of the aim and purpose of the artist's work.

Julius Zeyer; prose; style; linguistics; archaic; bookish


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