The function of verbs брать − brát, взять – vzít in Russian and Czech


The verbs of basic meaning быть – být, иметь - mít and the verbs generally related with them, such as давать/дать - dávat/dát (see the list of literature in this article), are often dealt with in linguistic research. That made us look into other similar verbs, брать/взять - brát/vzít. The verbs давать/дать basically differ from the verbs брать/взять by the relation of the agent of the verbal action to the direction of this action: with дать/давать (give) the action is oriented from the agent (dát odměnu), with брать (take) to the agent (brát odměnu). This fact is valid both in Czech and in Russian, but not always the verbs used are matching, identical. For example the Czech phrase brát léky, brát si zimník is expressed in Russian by принимать лекарство, надевать зимнее пальто. On the other hand the Russian phrase брать власть, брать барьер is expressed by the Czech ujímat se moci, překonávat překážku. The article tries to capture such discrepancies, quite abundant in both languages.

verbs брать - brát; verbs взять - vzít; Russian language; Czech language; equivalence; shades of meaning; verb constructions


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