Information Education at Universities in the Czech Republic – the overview and the outlook

Information Education and Information Literacy


The article follows a topic of information education and information literacy at universities from information science and librarianship and public policy points of view. Relations between theories and praxes are described. Information education, and information literacy in particular, is embedded into a context of educational institutions, esp. universities, and its stakeholders. Information Literacy and Information Education Working Group (IVIG) has been active for ten years in the Czech Republic (2010) and its annual seminar is going to be dedicated to information literacy resume next year. The article recounts IVIG and other’s activities in the field of information literacy and education in the Czech Republic, whereas the Information Education Strategy at Universities in the Czech Republic has become crucial. The strategy was approved by the Association of Czech University Libraries (2008) together with information literacy standards for university students (2004/2007). A short study of the National Financial Education Strategy is attached, since it has been initiated and inspired (since 2005) by the Strategy mentioned above, approved by the Government of the Czech Republic (2010) and implemented now.

Michaela Dombrovská

Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví, FF UK

information education; information literacy; university; library; education; IVIG; financial literacy

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