"Paranormal" use of information resources - its variations and perspectives in information society

Autumn issue 2013


The article explains the concept of "bibliomancy" which denotes ancient practice of using books for divination. This practice usually consists of intentional random selection of text and its intentional subjective interpretation with regards to particular users need. It can be seen as a way of deriving personally relevant meaning even from irrelevant information content. With regards to bibliomancy the article suggests more universal concept of "infomancy" where the possibility of irrational perception and interpretation is not limited to just books (but can be applied to any confronted information) and where the outcome of such interpretation is not limited to just "fortune-telling" (but it can be any kind of personally meaningful "content"). Various cases of infomancy both from history and fiction are mentioned, while the distinction between infomancy and better known information phenomena is made clear. Besides "full" infomancy various "partial" kinds of infomancy can be distinguished, where certain parts of infomantic practice are either unintentional or they are entirely missing, which also shows the possibility of using the concept of infomancy to describe more common information experience. Concept of infomancy is potentially useful tool for description, analysys and comparision of more simple information phenomenons.

Michal Kaščák

Knihovna Waltera Hoopera V Bratislavě

information; bibliomancy; infomancy; relevance; information literacy; information encountering

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