Truthfulness and Probability: An Essay on the Semantics of a Bibliographic Record
Purpose – The aim of the article is to introduce a specific concept of truth into cataloging theory, which includes an ontological model of a bibliographic universe. It deals with the problem of how it is possible to use specific theories of truth in determining the truth and probability of a bibliographic record.
Design/Methodology/Approach – The chosen theoretical starting point is the classical adequacy theory of truth combined with Tarski's semantic theory of truth and Popper's concept of probability. These are theories that we can classify as the so-called correspondence concepts of truth, the basis of which is the belief that truth is the agreement of thought with reality.
Results – The concept of cataloging as making statements about entities that can take on true or false values can function as an ideal model, helping the cataloger to analyze and reflect on the cataloging process.
Originality/Value – The combination of the adequacy theory of truth with the semantic theory is an original solution. The introduction of classical theories of truth into cataloging theory represents a new contribution.
theory of truth; adequacy theory of truth; semantic theory of truth; probability; bibliographic universe; FRBR; bibliographic record
Jiří Stodola
Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra informačních studií a knihovnictví
Pracuje jako vyučující na Katedře informačních studií a knihovnictví Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity. Specializuje se na filosofii informace, teoretické problémy informační vědy, otázky zprostředkování informací lidem s postižením, teorii katalogizace a informační etiku. Je členem redakční rady časopisu ProInflow.
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