Do you use Webarchiv? Survey of the needs of users of the Czech Web Archive
Purpose – The aim of the questionnaire survey was to map the awareness of the academic sphere about the existence and use of web archives and find out how researchers would like to use archival data in their research. The conclusions of the research study will serve as a basis for designing further research activities of the National Library of the Czech Republic.
Design/Methodology/Approach – In order to find out the needs of users of web archives the method of quantitative questionnaire was chosen. The process of making the questionnaire was preceded by research that focuses on survey of user needs abroad and definition of the target group. The survey included scientists experienced with web archives as well as those who have not participated in a similar project. The questions were structured into several areas focused on who the respondents are and what is their knowledge about web archives. We also asked about the way and intention of using the web archive and about data literacy. With the request to distribute the questionnaire to the widest possible range of respondents from the academic sphere, universities and colleges, public research institutions, regional and scientific libraries and members libraries of the Association of university libraries were targeted. All of the 146 responses were processed and evaluated.
Results – The study summarizes the results of a unique survey in the Czech environment, places them in the context of foreign research on the needs of web archive users and suggests further possibilities for research on these archival data. It summarizes general information about the respondents, their awareness of web archives and its use as well as about experiences working with archive data and about requirements for the Czech Webarchive.
Originality/Value – The survey of user needs in the form of an extensive questionnaire survey happened for the first time in the Czech environment and thus made it possible to map the use of web archives. Although the web archive of the National Library of the Czech Republic continuously deals with how it can provide its data and services to users within the framework of legislation, the results of the questionnaire survey provided a unique treasure for the further development of services and functionalities.
Keywords: Webarchiv, survey, user needs, archive, researchers, digital humanities, digital heritage
Marie Haškovcová
Národní knihovna ČR, Oddělení archivace webu
Marie Haškovcová je vedoucí Oddělení archivace webu Národní knihovny ČR, které spravuje Webarchiv – digitální knihovnu českých webových zdrojů. Je garantkou řešení oblasti Webové archivy pro vědecký výzkum v rámci institucionálního výzkumu NK ČR.
Luboš Svoboda
Národní knihovna ČR, Oddělení archivace webu
Luboš Svoboda je kurátor – datový analytik webového archivu Národní knihovny ČR, digitální knihovny českých webových zdrojů. Je členem řešitelského týmu oblasti Webové archivy pro vědecký výzkum v rámci institucionálního výzkumu NK ČR.
Markéta Hrdličková
Národní knihovna ČR, Oddělení archivace webu
Markéta Hrdličková je kurátorkou webového archivu Národní knihovny ČR, digitální knihovny českých webových zdrojů. Je členkou řešitelského týmu oblasti Webové archivy pro vědecký výzkum v rámci institucionálního výzkumu NK ČR.
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