Interpretation, reading and prospective : (on "historical mutations")
literary criticism; literary text; hermeneutics; interpretation; reading; prospective (perspective); megatrends
The author deals with the problems of the theory of interpretation and reading of texts in relation to the prospective, i.e. he observes how the literary criticism and reading can exist against the background of changes and modifications of the 21th century. The basis of his research is formed by the Spanish prospectic and essayist J. L. Abellán. The triumph of the present, revolution of space, formation of a new intellectual, "soft" science instead of the "hard" mind, globalisation etc. - these are the main symbols of Abellán's 21th century - the century of "historical mutation". In conclusion the autor expresses the thesis that the "soft" science permits endless reading and neverending semiosis. This can be a challenge for the literary criticism not to get stiff in its development and not to give up its positions.
literary criticism; literary text; hermeneutics; interpretation; reading; prospective (perspective); megatrends
Abellán, José Luis 1997 Myšlienky pre XXI storočie (orig. Ideas para el siglo XXI, 1994), slovenský překlad Paulína Šišmišová (Bratislava: Archa)
Collini, Stefan (ed.) 1995 Interpretácia a nad/interpretácia, přeložila Zdeňka Kalnická (Bratislava: Archa), zde příspěvky Umberta Eca, Richarda Rortyho, Jonathana Cullera a Christine Brooke-Roseové.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg 1995 Aktualita krásneho, přeložil Oliver Bakoš (Bratislava: Archa)
Viewegh, Michal 2007 Andělé všedního dne (Brno: Druhé město)