О значении переписки для полифонии в истории славистики: пример заблуждений и ошибок

Vol.15,No.Supplementum 2(2012)

Mistakes and errors are presented in the article by two examples documenting the important role of personal correspondence for their understanding. A baptismal dish with enigmatic inscription mistakenly interpreted in 19th century by Slovak Slavistics as a trace of Cyrillo-Methodian heritage is discussed as an example of the error supporting the persistence of a myth in the science. Further another example is discussed: a mistake as a violation of the norm with intention of subversioning a myth. In this context the famous article about Novgorod by A. V. Isačenko is indicated which has provoked and still provokes contradictory opinions. Several hitherto unpublished letters are cited to document the circumstances of its creation, its interpretation by the author himself and its value in the history of Slavistics.

history of slavistics; correspondence; errors and science; P. Križko; A. V. Isačenko


Matula, 1999 – Matula, V.: Listy L'udovíta Štúra. IV. Dodatky. Братислава 1999.

Matejko, 2009 – Matejko, L'.: Poznámky o najstaršej cyrilskej rukopisnej pamiatke zo Slovenska. – В: Slavia, 78, No 3–4 (2009), стр. 407–411.

Trihranský, 1866 – Trihranský: Starobylý nápis. – В: Sokol, V, 1866, стр. 107–108





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