Current forms of literary creativity of authors with a heterogeneous bond to the region of Békešská Čaba


The paper examines the literary self-sufficiency of the Slovak minority in Hungary. It briefly characterizes the peripetiation of its literary development from the end of the Second World War to the absolute present from the aspect of various published anthologies. The paper focuses on the most recent (up to 340-page long) literary anthology called Our Lowland (2017). As a methodological basis, the basic coordinates of space-time, which in an objective-subjective form is applied and specified in the various approaches of the interpretation process. The cardinal part of the contribution is thus the interpretation of the individual partial texts of the given anthology from a regional aspect and the aspect of a regional principle, with the emphasis of the past but also the present attributes, peculiarities and specifics of this part of the Lowland that appear directly or indirectly in individual texts.

the region of Lowland; national minority; Slovaks in Hungary; literary anthology; interpretation


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