On the relations between Czech and French comparatistics in the interwar period : (Václav Tille in contact with Fernand Baldensperger and Paul van Tieghem)


The paper accents the historical significance of French comparative literature and its founding fathers, such as Fernand Baldensperger; Paul van Tieghem; etc., who wielded a positive influence on comparative literary thought within the Slavonic, mainly the Czech context. Reaping a considerable benefit from the hitherto unpublished correspondence of the Czech literary historian V. Tille (1867–1937) with P. van Tieghem and F. Baldensperger, the first editor-in-chief of Revue de Littérature Comparée, the study singles out their unexplored collaboration as well as the French aspiration to involve the Czech comparatists in the activities of the Committee for of Literary History established at the International Congress in Budapest in 1931. Methodologically, Tieghem's theses found parallel in the younger generation of Czech literary comparatists: V. Černý; R. Wellek; and F. Wollman.

Fernard Baldensperger; Paul van Tieghem; Czech and French comparative studies; interwar period; preromanticism; Václav Tille; Fernand Baldensperger


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