Benátský kupec v podání Antonína Fencla


The primary aim of this study is to introduce Antonín Fencl, a more or less forgotten personality of Czech theatre – a man active in many fields (film and theatre as well as teaching) in a variety of roles (leader, actor, dramaturge, director, playwright, and translator). Above all, the text focuses on Fencl's Shakespearean activities. Within just three years (1914–1916), Fencl succeeded in translating Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice and managed to write an outstanding study (by both its qualities and length) discussing the two existing complete translations of Shakespeare's works. Besides introducing Fencl's translating method and theoretical approach, the study interlinks them and shows the ways in which Fencl's theory was imprinted in the process of his translating the play, as evidenced by the analysis.


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