Substrate lexical influence on Germanic in the light of the language contact theory


The author discusses the lexical influence of the Pre-Germanic substrate into Proto-Germanic, demonstrating the phenomenon of borrowing and infiltration in Proto-Germanic in the light of modern contact theory. The most obvious examples, e.g. Gmc. *hundaz m. 'dog' (< PIE. *ḱwṇtó-'puppy, young dog' < *ḱwōn 'dog') vs. Gmc. (substratal LW) *hwelpaz m. 'puppy, young dog' (< PIE. *gwelbhos m. 'womb; embryo', also 'young of an animal'), are carefully reviewed. It is concluded that the purely Germanic words acquired a more elevated meaning, whereas the substrate loanwords were semantically degraded. Thus the Germanic people enjoyed higher social prestige than the substrate population of Indo-European origin.

Klíčová slova:
linguistics; Pre-Germanic; Proto-Germanic; lexical influence; language contact theory


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