Ludwig Winder in der Deutschen Zeitung Bohemia. Prolegomena zu einem tschechoslowakischen Journalisten


Two aims are pursued in this paper. On the one hand, a connecting line between the novels and the essay work of Ludwig Winder should be shown here by way of example, based on the journalistic treatment of 'people of will and power' who are also central to Winder's novels. On the other hand, based on selected journalistic articles in the Deutsche Zeitung Bohemia (DZB), Winder is to be anchored in the cultural and political milieu of the first Czechoslovak Republic. Both goals should arrive to one conclusion: For Ludwig Winder, many more cultural-political contexts are relevant, than just the few in which his writing to date, primarily in Jewish and German literature in Prague, has been put. The context the relevance of which for Winder is outlined in this article is the one that unfolds from the position of a journalist from Czechoslovakia who writes in German (taking into account, however, the culture, politics and literature in Czech language too).

Klíčová slova:
Ludwig Winder; essays; German newspapers in Czechoslovakia; pacifism; area studies; German literature from Prague and Bohemia


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