Bruggen bouwen tussen auditie en articulatie? : perceptie van de Nederlandse [e] en [ɛ͜i] door Poolse moedertaalsprekers en de invloed ervan op de articulatorische reproductie


The paper presents the results of a pilot study on audition of Dutch tense vowel [e] and diphthong [ɛ͜i] by Polish native speakers. It was hypothesized that Polish native speakers should generally fail to distinguish those sounds, as they lie acoustically close to each other (especially those produced by speakers of Dutch form the Netherlands) and moreover they are absent from Polish phonetic system. Instead the experiment has shown that Polish native speakers are almost as good in differentiating of isolated Dutch [e] and [ɛ͜i] as the native speakers of Dutch. Further experiments are needed to examine if equally good results can be achieved with [e] and [ɛ͜i] in the word context.

speech chain; Dutch; tense vowels; audition; articulation


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