Kognitivní analýza a interpretace, aneb, Jak (ne)dělat výzkum alternovaných stavů vědomí?


Recent development in Cognitive sciences shows that quantitative behavioral methods of research are insufficient in description and explanation of some aspects of mind, especially of the most intriguing ones as is will or consciousness. Yet introspection or phenomenological description of mental phenomena do not lead to heuristic results either. This brings in new theories and approaches into play that try to gain new insights by using different methods. These new ways put together both methods of Cognitive sciences and well known sociological, phenomenological etc. approaches. Will this connection succeed and overcome basic obstacles in our pursuit of knowledge about mental states? Will they show us the way how to get around these problems?

Klíčová slova:
kognitivní vědy; fenomenologie; heterofenomenologie; neurofenomenologie; psychofyzický problém; vědomí; věda v první osobě; meditace; buddhismus


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