Kritika konceptu New Age: New Age jako spiritualita, nebo lidové náboženství?


First part of this text deals with the critique of the New Age concept and shows some of its problematic aspects: the question of a common denominator of various "New Age" practices and believes, the problem of regarding New Age as the movement and low identification of participants with the term "New Age". Some critics of the New Age concept (for example Steven Sutcliffe) regard "New Age" as too general and use this term only for those forms of religiosity within which New Age or Age of Aquarius is expected. Second part of this text presents two other conceptions which are used in relation to the field of detraditionalized religiosity. These conceptions are "popular religion" and "spirituality". The aim of this study is to compare "popular religion" and "spirituality" in relationship with "New Age" and to demonstrate problematic consequences for our understanding of New Age genealogy. There are three positions. We can see New Age as a typical post-modern religiosity, or as a successor of pre-modern popular Christianity, or a successor of Western esotericism and occultism.

Klíčová slova:
New Age; spiritualita; lidové náboženství


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