Nástin náboženských tradic Lesních Něnců


This study provides an overview of the traditional religious thinking and practice among the Forest Nenets, inhabitants of the North-Western Siberian basin and of their recent socio-ecological situation. The study is based partly on the reconstruction of the "ideal" Forest Nenets' religion drawn upon recent Russian literal sources and classic ethnographies and partly on author's own long lasting field work. The study consists of three main parts: the reconstruction of the traditional system of religious beliefs and practices; of the description of recent state and changes in the religious part of the Nenets' culture; and of the description of recent socio-ecological situation in the area, whereas special attention is paid to the problems of oil and gas industry. A brief sketch of an anthropological "explanation" of the traditional Forest Nenets' religiosity, inspired by the works of Gregory Bateson, is added.

Klíčová slova:
Sibiř; Lesní Něnci; Chantové; náboženství; tradiční způsob obživy; právní ochrana etnických menšin; ropný a plynárenský průmysl


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