Původ boha Sarápida v Egyptě


At the turn of the 20th century the subject of an origin of the god Sarapis raised a vivid discussion among scholars. The figure of the god Sarapis had suddenly emerged in a cultural context of hellenistic Egypt and until 4th century BC had not played a part in any known myth. In the 4th century BC there were documented only few references. However, in the 3rd century BC the god Sarapis became popular across the Hellenistic world. Many scholars discussed the origin of the god Sarapis but the number of available literary sources is very limited. Moreover, available sources often contradict each other in the question of the origin of the deity. The discussion about the origin of the god Sarapis is open and researchers still have not reached a consensus. This paper surveys the research of the origin of the god Sarapis, verifies individual research hypotheses and offers a new working hypothesis of the origin of the god Sarapis.

Klíčová slova:
Sarápis; Osíris-Ápis; Ápis; Ptolemaios I. Sótér; Alexandros Veliký; Memfis


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