Kontrakulturní tvorba Thursatrú : Black metal coby model tvorby náboženské identity v chaos-gnosticismu


This article deals with an esoteric current Thursatrú. Thursatrú falls within a broader esoteric current Chaos-gnosticism, which is a synthesis of Gnosticism, various Left-Hand Path teachings and Satanism. Thursatrú transfers Chaosgnostic thought into Germanic Heathenism. The article pursues the formation of Thursatrú via its delimitation from the mainstream society, Satanism, Left- Hand Path and Ásatrú in expression of black metal musicians who constitute the foundation of Thursatrú. In connection with the Gnostic dualism, the practitioners strongly transgress the above mentioned notions, whereas they consider themselves being elevated above the society. Thursatrú practitioners adopt the black metal concept of identity formation based on transgression in order to embody themselves in plural and relativistic modern world. The article also puts Thursatrú into a broader context of the evolution of Left-Hand Path and black metal.

Klíčová slova:
Thursatrú; chaos-gnosticismus; satanismus; Left-Hand Path; black metal; germánské pohanství; tvorba identity


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