Alexandra David-Néelová a její cesta do Lhasy : portrét orientalistiky v zrcadle Tibetu


Alexandra David-Néel had influenced many belletrists as well as academics interested in Tibet by her travelogues and notes from journeys to Tibet, China, Nepal, Mongolia, and India. This text focuses on the image of her personality outlined in one of her most famous books, Voyage d'une Parisienne a Lhassa à Pied et en Mendiant de la Chine à l'Inde à Travers le Thibet, 1927. The image of a woman travelling to the forbidden mystical country, early anthropologist fascinated by Tibetan customs, and capable writer of novels pervades her books and gives an understanding of perspective oriental studies and early beginnings of Tibetan studies in Europe.

Klíčová slova:
Alexandra David-Néelová; Tibet; orientalismus; cestopis


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