Hra s mytémy : aplikace Lévi-Straussovy strukturální analýzy na japonský mýtus o zmizení slunce


The article is reflecting application of the famous method of structural analysis by Claude Lévi-Strauss on an old Japanese myth. The French scholar left a monumental work which is a big challenge for every student of anthropology and cultural studies. His specific way of analyzing the myths searches for the universal structure of human thinking. Lévi-Strauss focused especially on the myths of North American Indians where his theory works quite well. What happens if we use his method for a myth from very different cultural area? And what does it tell about Lévi-Strauss's method itself? The myth of god siblings of Amaterasu and Susanoo is usually declared as the explanation of "disappearance of the sun". Could the view of Lévi-Strauss bring something really new?

Klíčová slova:
Claude Lévi-Strauss; strukturální analýza; japonský mýtus o zmizení slunce; univerzální struktura mysli; úrovně mýtu


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