Neuroteologie z pohledu religionistiky


This paper explores relatively new field of neurotheology, which emerged quite recently and is still without any unified methodology. It briefly sketches the history of neurotheology, the exploratory methods and the outcomes of it's activity. Then it addresses the basic problem – the attempt to participate in scientific discourse.Meanwhile unbiased work exists in the field of neuropsychology of religions. It allows us to change problematic premises of neurotheological research and to see how the presuppostion of God's (non)existence can affect the results. Neuropsychology of religions offers scientific alternative to biased neurotheological researches. Unfortunately even neuropsychology of religions still has a lot of problems to solve. Those being mainly the exploratory methods, then the definition of religion (i.e. the subject of research), the interpretation of outcomes and the purpose of this discipline.

brain regions; philosophy of science; God; neuropsychology of religions; neuroscience; neurotheology; religion


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