Becoming scholar of the study of religions: the internalization of a scholar's identity in the beginning of the academic study of religions and its influence on students' relationship to religions


The paper focuses on early phase of students' socialization to the academic Study of Religions and its influence on their personal relationship to religions. Based on the social constructionist perspective, academic study of religions is seen as a specific social reality where individuals internalize norms in the socialization process. In the beginning of the study, initial scholar identity starts to build and students begin to learn how they should think and act as ideal typified scholar in the field of the study of religions. The text shows how this socialization process modifies students' thinking about religions and what does it also mean for their individual lives – especially for their religious identities. The empirical part of study is based on qualitative analysis of interviews of six students from the Study of Religions at Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno.

study of religions; students of the study of religions; university, education; socialization; social constructivism; identity; religion; science


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