Beasts and traitors: French royal propaganda on Templars, rumors and their relations, 1307–1312


This study focuses on the interaction between the propaganda of Phillip the Fair's office against the Templar order and the non-intentional myth on the depraved Templars, which began to take its shape during the trial of the Templars. It argues that the original propaganda of Phillip the Fair from the year 1307 depicted the Templars as ignorant apostates, who lost not only their faith buth also their humanity. The study further argues that during the Trial emerged certain forms of the myth on the Templars' depravity, which portrayed the Templars as subtle conspirators and traitors of Christianity making pacts with the Saracens. Through the study of this change I attempt to point on some interactions between the intentional propaganda and non-intentional stories employing the same popular topoi as the propaganda.

templars; propaganda; myth; inhumanity; inner and outer enemy


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