Enoch - the prophet of order: the interpretation of the Book of Watchers from the first Book of Enoch


The aim of this paper is to present an interpretation of the Book of the Watchers from the first Book of Enoch. I will use the methods of Lacanian psychoanalytical structuralism supplemented by structural anthropology. I will try to prove an inner logic of the myth and will therefore analyse the narrative techniques which aim to express the central theme - the function of God's Order. The identification of structures and narrative techniques make it possible to explain the relation between the myth's main motives: 1. the violation of the Law of God, 2. the Law of God itself 3. and the apocalypse. Their interconnection lies in the specific structuration of the subject, Enoch the scribe.

Judaism; Enoch; Jacques Lacan; structuralism; psychoanalysis


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