Not all horns are the same : the relationship between modern Paganism and Satanism


The article focuses on the relationship between modern Paganism and Satanism at the level of the most significant Pagan and Satanist organizations and currents. It shows that the relationship of Paganism and Satanism is somewhat asymmetrical. On one hand, it is to a large extent shaped by the defensiveness of Pagans against the connection of Paganism (especially Witchcraft) with Satanism in the context of so called satanic panic and earlier perception of Witchcraft as the Devil-worship. Paganism mostly distances itself from Satanism. Within Paganism, Satanism is often perceived as part of Christianity, and Satan is not usually part of Pagan pantheons. On the other hand, Satanism does not usually correspond to the ideas of satanic panic about the worship of a Christian Devil and bloody sacrifice, because Satan is conceptualized there as a symbol of rebellion, progress, individualism, body and sexuality, as a motive force in Cosmos/Nature, or as an entity that brings people the gift of gnosis and a model to self-deification. Satanism also often operates with references to Pagan deities and the pre-Christian pagan past. It is somewhat more receptive to Paganism, and references to Paganism are commonly used in constructing oneself.

Satanism; Paganism; witchcraft; satanic panic; Devil-worship


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